In India, mobile phones have undergone a positive resurgence. Currently, there are more than 25 million users of mobile phones in the country. This amazing number is bound to increase with major players such as Samsung, Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericson, etc which often introduce user friendly as well as advanced models of mobile phones in India. Let us look at some of the top brands of mobile phones in India today and compare their prices to find out on which we can get the best price.
Nokia not just in India, but Nokia is the world leading mobile phone supplier. Some of the latest Nokia phones available for purchase in the country include the following together with their approximate prices:
-Nokia C7-00 for Rs.18999
-Nokia C5 for Rs.7599
-Nokia N900 for Rs.25999
-Nokia N8 for Rs.24999
-Nokia X6 for Rs.14999
-Nokia E52, for Rs.10999
-Nokia N97 mini for Rs.20499
Samsung started its operations in the country in the year 1995 and since then it has established itself as one of the leading consumer electronics manufacturers in India. Apart from manufacturing gadgets like kitchen appliances and televisions, Samsung also manufactures mobile phones which are sleek and have stylish features. Today, Samsung offers the best slider phones which are not only easy to use, but are also loaded with features such as camera, music player, multimedia and enhanced connectivity options. Their prices in India vary and are very affordable. Some of the latest models from Samsung along with their best prices are mentioned below.
-Samsung Galaxy S2 3G GSM Mobile Handset for Rs.20000
-Samsung Galaxy 551 3G GSM Mobile Handset for Rs.13000
-Samsung wave II s8530 for Rs.19000
-Samsung Duo 169 W169 for Rs.4800
-Samsung C3630 for Rs.2650
-Samsung E2530 for Rs.3500
Motorola – just like Nokia, Motorola is an old company which has a diverse industry portfolio. Motorolas mobile phone division is perhaps their highest grossing sector. This American company in the 1990s pioneered the flip phone form which is a design they still use on most of their handsets even today. Their edge in the mobile phone industry is due to their uniquely stylish phones. Some of their top selling phones along with their prices in India include the following:
-Motorola EX128 for Rs.5600
-Motorola Flipout Motoblur for Rs.15000
-Motorola Milestone Tablet Xt720 for Rs.24900
-Motorola Charm MB502 for Rs.13000
-Motorola Moto WX260 for Rs.1700
These are some of the latest and top selling mobile phone prices in India. If you are looking to buy a brand new mobile phone this year, you can consider buying one from the ones mentioned above because these are the phones which are really popular in the country.